Wally’s House
Child Advocacy Center
Community based, collaborative, child-focused response to child abuse

Our Mission
To provide compassionate intervention, assessment, and advocacy for victims and their families, while supporting a child-focused, community-based system of prevention and healing.
Who We Are
Wally’s House is a Child Advocacy Center (CAC). A CAC provides a community-based, collaborative, child-focused response to child abuse. Its primary focus is the reduction of trauma to the child. The Secondary focus is to provide improved investigative outcomes in Child Abuse cases.
What We Do
Wally’s House provides Prevention Education to adults, and will soon also be providing education to children. Adult workshops include at minimum – Darkness 2 Light training, Child Abuse Signs + Symptoms, Wally’s House 101, and Let’s Talk About It. To inquire about and RSVP for a training, please contact our Prevention Specialist Ashley Hall at ashley@wallyshouse.org
How You Can Help
Volunteer your time, donate to support any of our programs, join our board of directors, attend a fundraising event, or sponsor an event. We’d love to chat with you about how you can best advocate for our neighborhood children.

Services Provided by Wally’s House
At Wally’s House, children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or witnessed violence come to receive care and support.
At Wally’s House, we understand that trauma can be a deeply challenging experience for not just the child but the family as well.
At Wally’s House, we offer prevention education through specialists and volunteers trained to disseminate prevention education to working professionals and the community.
We are so grateful to our Sponsors
for their historical and ongoing support!
Jeri (Honeycutt) Tuttle
Brookings Emblem Club
Creative Soul
Jason Adams Construction
Gold Beach Soroptimist
Port Orford Community Ambulance Service
One Hope
Network for Good
Amazon Smile
Fred Meyers Rewards
Donations from many individuals in the community
State & Federal Grants
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Fund
Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention (CAMI) Fund
Children’s Justice Act Grant
Justice Reinvestment Fund
Oregon Child Advocacy Center Fund