Reporting Abuse & Recognizing the Signs

Reporting Abuse & Neglect

If a child’s life is in danger, you should call 911 immediately. To report any type of abuse, including child abuse or elder abuse, please call the 24/7 statewide hotline: 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)

Local Resources

Curry County Sheriff’s Office: 541-247-3242
Gold Beach Police Department: 541-247-6671
Brookings Police Department: 541-469-3118
Port Orford Police Department: 541-332-9013

Suspicion is enough to call the hotline – you don’t have to have evidence or proof to make a call. Hotline screeners are trained to help guide you through the process.

We know it takes courage to report abuse. You may be a child’s only hope.

Signs of Child Abuse

If a Child Discloses Abuse or Neglect

What to do:

  • Allow the child to use his/her own words to describe the incident
  • Assure the child they are not to blame for what happened
  • Treat the child normally
  • Take care of the child’s emotional needs
  • Listen and take notes
  • Allow the child to talk about the incident if they bring it up
  • Write down concerns and questions for Child Protective Services, police officers, and therapists
  • Love and support the child
  • Call the child abuse hotline and make a report: 855-503-SAFE (7233)

​What not to do:

  • Use your language to help the child describe what happened
  • Try to interview or investigate
  • Overreact
  • Express fear, anger, or anxiety
  • Initiate conversation about the incident
  • Let personal feelings influence the child
  • Reward child for giving information

​Please refer to the following website for more information on reporting child abuse or neglect in the state of Oregon: 
Oregon Department of Human Services