Capital Campaign

Your capital campaign contribution to Wally’s House means there will always be a place where children can go to heal from the trauma of abuse.

For abused children, Wally’s House is the pathway to hope. There is someone who can listen and provide assurance they will be okay. Abusers are held accountable, while children are provided with the care they need to heal and eventually thrive.

Pathway to Hope Capital Campaign - Jackie Antunes stands on the front deck of Wally's House

Pathway to Hope Campaign Objectives - two young children wearing cowboy heats standing on metal gate.

Campaign Objectives

  • Purchase adjacent property to expand programmable space 3,500 square feet.
  • Integrate mental health, prevention and outreach programs with child abuse assessment support in an efficient purpose-designed facility plan.
  • Expand capacity for 50% increase in children served from 60 to 90 children.
  • Provide on-site resources for collaboration with key partners, including law enforcement and children’s services.

With $200,000 in new local community contributions, the Pathway to Hope is on track to fulfill the vision of a Children’s Wellness Center serving Curry County families.

Thanks to our generous donors, we are making amazing progress toward our goal of creating the new Wally’s House Children’s Wellness Center.

In early 2023, we launched the Pathway to Hope Capital Campaign, with a goal of raising $1 million. With remarkable campaign success to date, we’ve stretched that goal to better meet the needs of Curry County children who have experienced the trauma of abuse.

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign
Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign
Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

Support the Wally’s House Pathway to Hope Campaign

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

Please join us in this vital effort to complete the Children’s Wellness Center and expand mental health support for children and youth recovering from abuse.

Pledges can be made up to 5 years

Thanks to our Leading Contributors

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

$100,000 or more

Murdock Trust
The Ford Family Foundation
Roundhouse Foundation

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

$50,000 or more

Advanced Health
Marie Lamfrom Charitable Trust
Curry Health Network
Judith Ann Mogan Foundation
Janet Smith

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

$25,000 or more

HEDCO Foundation
Humboldt Area Foundation

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

$5,000 or more

Oregon Community Foundation
Julia Phillips & John Connor
Jane P. Ratzlaff
Gordon Elwood Foundation
City of Gold Beach
Karen Kennedy
Tim & Jeri Tuttle

Pathway to Hope Wallys House Capital Campaign

$1,000 or more

Ann Bacin
Laurie L. Balmuth
Doris Beresford & Kathleen Mullin
Dr. Jessica R. Carlson
Roger & Mary Chenoweth
Barbara Eells
Cathy Hardalo
Joel & Katie Hensley
Huntoon Family Living Trust
Donald & Geraldine Kendall
Carl & Denise King
Menasha Legacy Fund
Dr. Raymond & Mrs. Karen Harris
Bo & Kathy Shindler
The Simas Family Fund
Robert & Mary Tindill
James & Vicki Waltz

Capital Campaign Team

Mona Chandler, Past Board President
Jacob Eide, Former Board Member
Jennifer Gustafson, Campaign Volunteer
Melissah Hendrickson, Campaign Volunteer
Geri Kendall, Campaign Volunteer
Alice Loshbaugh, Campaign Volunteer
Rebecca Moore, Past Board President
Jo Ann Okane, Board Treasurer
Julia Phillips, Campaign Volunteer
Laura McKeane, Campaign Volunteer
Bill McNair, Facility Team Leader
Starla Paris, Campaign Volunteer
Erin Porter, Campaign Volunteer
Patricia A Savage, Board Secretary
Phoebe Skinner, Campaign Volunteer
Jennifer Stapleton, President

Jackalene Antunes, Wally’s House Executive Director
Mark Sherman, Capital Campaign Consultant


Jackie Antunes, Executive Director